The MFIT Workshop will be held February 27-29, 2024 and April 9-11, 2024 and is available to NPDN members, partners, and colleagues. The MFIT Workshops will be held in-person at the USDA Mycology and Nematology Genetic Diversity and Biology Laboratory, Building 10A in Beltsville, Maryland, over three full days. The instructors decided to offer two identical workshops to give participants a couple options.

The workshops are supported by the USDA and the Plant Protection Act 7721 funding, which means diagnosticians do not need to find funding to participate…we did that for you! All workshop materials and travel expenses are covered by this funding. The planning team requested another round of funding through PPA 7721, so if you can’t attend in 2023, keep your fingers crossed for possible 2024 workshops! 

The instructors are Megan Romberg and John McKemy of USDA-APHIS-PPQ, with content support, by Karen Rane of the University of Maryland. Megan has taught several fungal identification workshops at NPDN National Meetings. The new MFIT Workshop will build on topics taught at the National Meeting workshops but will also be suitable for early-career professionals who have not attended previous trainings.

Workshop Description

The MFIT Workshop will consist of lectures and hands-on activities. Participants will learn about fungi in the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, learning precise terms for specific characters, and increasing familiarity with reading and understanding species descriptions ranging from those written 100 years ago to the present. Participants will learn techniques and access literature that may be unfamiliar and, in some cases, difficult to obtain. Approximately 20 hours of the 3-day workshop will focus on interactive, hands-on activities. The hands-on portion will include directed examination of samples from both Phyla under the dissecting and compound microscopes, learning targeted isolation techniques using local fresh samples collected or maintained for the workshop. Holding the workshop at the USDA facility will allow participants to form relationships with PPQ staff which may guide future collaborations and facilitate open dialogue during emergency situations. The training provides participating diagnosticians access to the scientists who regularly see thousands of fungal pathogens across hundreds of host families and the ability to ask questions about specific characters that may be rare and benefit from group discussions.

Holding the workshop at the USDA facility will allow participants to form relationships with PPQ staff which may guide future collaborations and facilitate open dialogue during emergency situations. The training provides participating diagnosticians access to the scientists who regularly see thousands of fungal pathogens across hundreds of host families and the ability to ask questions about specific characters that may be rare and benefit from group discussions.



8:30Intro, overview, history of mycology and use of morphological characters in identification. Introduction to terms and literature resources.Check single spore isolations. Question and Answer session covering Ascomycota anamorphs. Review of identified specimens and literatureQuestion and Answer session covering the previous day samples. Review of specimens and literature.
9:45Single spore isolationAscomycota sexual states:"Other groups"…Downy Mildews, Oddballs
10:30Ascomycota asexual groups Hyphomycetes and Coelomycetes"Pyrenomycetes" and "Loculoascomycetes" "Other groups"…Downy Mildews, Oddballs
11:30Ascomycota anamorphs Hyphomycetes and CoelomycetesGroups, literature, nomenclature reviewMicroscope work, continue samples from Tuesday and add sexual Ascomycota states, Rusts and Smuts, Downy mildews and oddballs
12:30lunch lunch lunch
13:30Microscope work, identification of Ascomycota anamorphsRusts and Smuts
14:30Microscope work, identification of Ascomycota anamorphsMicroscope work, continue samples from Tuesday and add sexual Ascomycota states, Rusts and SmutsMicroscope work, continue samples from Tuesday and add sexual Ascomycota states, Rusts and Smuts, Downy mildews and oddballs
15:45Microscope work, identification of Ascomycota anamorphsMicroscope work, continue samples from Tuesday and add sexual Ascomycota states, Rusts and SmutsContinue microscope work, highlight any specimens sent by participants. 
16:30Microscope work, identification of Ascomycota anamorphsMicroscope work, continue samples from Tuesday and add sexual Ascomycota states, Rusts and SmutsWrap up, overview, trivia


This workshop is now FULL, as of 10/13/23, and we are placing names on a wait list.

To register, provide you contact information and workshop date choice to Barb Riker at and copy Karen Snover-Clift at Registrations will be accepted in the order they are received. We have heard of a lot of interest in the workshops so please register soon, if you are interested. Please DO NOT make any travel arrangements until we contact you with approval to do so.

Travel and Reimbursement

Travel reimbursements must go to the institution and NOT to the participant. As always, there is no registration fee for attending any workshop(s) or for the meeting materials provided. The workshops are supported by a PPA 7721 Cooperative Agreement. Travelers will submit a letter, on their institution letterhead, simply listing their reimbursable travel expenses. A template is available on the workshop portal page. The reimbursement check will be made out and mailed to the institution.

MFIT Workshop Guidelines From Registration to Travel Reimbursement

Institution travel reimbursement request letter

Participant letter AI - February

Participant letter AI - April