Ansuya Jogi – University of Georgia (SPDN)
NPDN Leadership has approved the establishment of an NPDN Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Working Group, and we are asking interested members to participate and provide feedback. Through the NPDN DEI Working Group we aim to cultivate inclusivity, promote fairness and equity, and advance diversity initiatives within our network

Here are our proposed goals:

  • Creating an NPDN DEI Working Group that is representative and continually learning about and addressing the needs of our network membership. The scope and the purpose of the Working Group is to provide education, insight, and resources regarding DEI to the network.
  • Understanding the barriers to reporting and providing feedback on network-wide surveys to assist with data collection that could be used to provide better support to members.
  • Working with the NPDN Committees and Leadership to provide input on events, webinars, policies, and procedures.

If you are interested in participating and/or providing feedback, please reach out to