The NPDN is an internationally respected consortium of plant diagnostic laboratories. It was established in 2002 by USDA - NIFA (National Institute of Food and Agriculture) and the Office of Homeland Security to enhance agricultural biosecurity by detecting instances of biological attacks. The NPDN contributes to protect plant health and productivity of U.S. agricultural and natural ecosystems by providing early detection and identification of plant pests and diseases. We are supported by the USDA - NIFA and by the collective efforts of many agencies and  individuals representing Land Grant Universities, federal agencies, state departments of agriculture, and other stakeholders.

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The mission of NPDN is to support plant health and biosecurity in U.S. agricultural and natural ecosystems by providing expert diagnostic capacity, communication, coordination, and quality pest and disease diagnostic information


The challenges to plant health, nationally and globally, are constantly increasing. Diagnostic systems with the capabilities and capacity to quickly detect and accurately identify pathogens and pests are essential to protect the plant systems that underpin our economy, our health, and our environment. The NPDN has become, and will remain, a vital part of our national biosecurity infrastructure. Our vision is to ensure that NPDN keeps pace with advancing detection and diagnostic technologies and remains prepared to meet the challenges of protecting plant systems which keep people and the environment healthy.

We comprise a network of highly skilled diagnosticians employing the full array of advanced diagnostic technologies to meet the needs of our clientele in each state and territory, and to better serve our partners in plant protection. To achieve this vision, NPDN strives to provide the resources necessary to enhance capability and capacity of diagnosticians and plant diagnostic labs around the country.


Quality diagnostics - Provide high quality diagnostics to support plant health communities through constant improvement and quality assurance.

Professional Development - Provide training opportunities and experiential learning that accelerate the learning curve and enhance diagnostic capabilities of current and future diagnosticians.

Communication - Ensure effective and timely communications and productive collaborations with regulatory partners, diagnostic labs, and the plant health communities. Curate and communicate quality diagnostic information that benefits plant health.


The NPDN operates as a team of five regions:

WPDN full
GPDN full
NCPDN full
SPDN full
NEPDN full


More about NPDN: